

13 May 2022: GOD’S BLESSINGS AND YOUR CALLING (2) – Esther 4:13 -14, Nehemiah 1; 2:1-8

Esther had a mentor. Most people fail in life because they lack the right mentors in their lives. You need…

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12 May 2022: GOD’S BLESSINGS AND YOUR CALLING (1) – Acts 7:9 – 14, Esther 4:13 -14

There is a purpose behind every blessing of God in your life. Joseph was the favourite in his father’s house,…

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26 Sep 2021: YOU NEED GRACE TO BE A BLESSING – 2 Corinthians 9:8

At any stage of life financially, there must be two flows in your life; the inlet and outlet.  The inlet…

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