Welcome to the last month of the year 2022! The devotional for this month will focus on becoming one in marriage.
The mathematics of marriage is a mysterious one where 1 + 1 = 1. This is how God ordained marriage to be. Unfortunately, many marriages are being run otherwise today. Little wonder why such homes are clear aberrations from divine design. Since marriage is a divine institution, only strict adherence to divine instructions and protocols on marriage can make marriage heaven-on-earth as God designed it to be, and not a necessary evil as viewed by many today.
Marriage is an institution, a school which involves training and teaching. There are basics of marriage which promote oneness between husband and wife. No matter how profuse grammar can become, everything still boils down to A to Z.
Say a statement in English to yourself and you will see that it is a combination of any of the 26 English alphabets. The same applies to the basic things of God about marriage, such will build gigantic buildings of life and destiny when properly applied in your marriage.
There is a rain of solutions and answers coming upon your marriage through this month’s devotional. Connect to marital answers, financial answers, health answers, physical answers, career answers, and life answers as you follow the devotional this month. I believe God will bring answers and solutions to every specific home that is represented by each reader.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, mantle upon me and fill me with the wisdom of the Father to raise a family that God can walk with in my day and beyond in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 8:1-27; 1 John 2:1-17; Psalm 120:1-7; Proverbs 28:25-26
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