The birth of Jesus was a major move of God on earth. Hundreds of years before He was born, prophets had been prophesying about His birth. The word of the Lord had gone forth and intercession had gone forth.
In Luke 2, the Lord told Simeon that he would not see death until he had seen the Messiah physically in the flesh and he began to pray. Every move of God that you have seen (whether you were part of it, you read about it, or you saw it from afar off) was birthed because God found faithful people that sold out their spirits to Him. These people allowed the working of the blood of Jesus in their souls. They kept pure spirits and gave themselves unto the Lord. God could take their time and night hours, and they prayed until they saw the manifestation of the glory of the Lord.
Before the birth of Jesus, Mary was not praying for a child. God wanted to bring a woman into a partnership to birth His glory and purpose on the earth, and He found Mary. This was not any human agenda at all; it came from the Lord.
Intercession is not for self; it is for God. When any matter arises (whether someone is in crisis or comes to me for prayers), the first thing I want to settle is, “What is the will of God in this matter?”
There are times when the will of God is to heal a sick child and sometimes it is not the will of God to get involved. Ultimately, it is not about what man is doing but what God is doing.
PRAYER: Dear God, I bring myself into perfect alignment with Your will every time I come to the place of prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 7:1-9:11; Hebrews 5:1-14; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 26:28
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