If you take your membership in the kingdom seriously and effectively, a member in the kingdom is always a leader in life. God doesn’t measure prosperity and success by the acquisition of things, He measures it by character development.
The Bible says, ‘I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers’ (3 Joh. 1:2). God’s yardstick for measuring success is the prosperity of your soul. When your soul begins to develop the abilities of God, it will attract success like a magnet to you and magnetize all the good things of life towards you. So, take your relationship with God seriously.
For instance, married men in our church have an all-night where they pray. What will praying for three hours every night at an all-night do to your spirit? It will sharpen your spirit, strengthen your spirit, and bring you to a place of sensitivity and accuracy. One atom of divine communication can do more for you than three years of reading newspapers to find information.
We really haven’t seen many Christians who enter the market of life with the tool of the Holy Ghost. You can’t beat an unbeliever at his game. The Bible says the children of this world are wiser in their own things than the children of light. How can you beat a madam that is using bottom power (illegal means) to prosper her business? Except you want to do the same.
In summary, the right place to start to build lasting generational wealth is in your relationship with God. Take your walk with God seriously, develop a conscious daily walk with Him via your Bible and build your sensitivity to the Holy Ghost and you would have put the foundation in place for lasting generational wealth.
PRAYER: Dear Father, help me to draw closer to You day by day, so that I will know You more and more to understand the subject of wealth better and better in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR:Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 24:11-12