Yesterday, I said that many people erroneously treat the subject of faith as though God “calleth the things that are as though they are not.” The Bible says, “Let the weak say I am strong (Joe. 3:10).” The weak, when talking physically, will say, “I’m weak”. Scripturally, however, he is to say, “I’m strong according to the Word of God”.
Here, we are dealing with the difference between fact and truth. Fact refers to how things appear in the physical while truth refers to how things are from God’s viewpoint. God finishes anything that He wants to do in the spirit before starting in the physical. In line with that principle, God said to Abraham in Romans 4:17 that “…I have made thee a father of many nations….” Abraham and his wife were physically barren, yet God said, “I have made thee…” Grammatically, the sentence would have been rendered correctly as, “I will make thee”, which will express a process, but God said, “I have made thee …”
This implies that God had already made Abraham a father of many nations in the spirit and He’s going to start the process physically thereafter.
How then will Abraham enter the process? He would have to know how to call the things that be not “as though they were”, not “as though they will be”. In the body of Abraham and Sarah at this time was barrenness, but he must not call what be as though they were not. That will be a denial of the fact. Faith in God is not denying the existing fact; it is changing the existing fact with the greater fact of the truth of the Word of God.
PRAYER: Father, I thank You for Your word is the truth. Help me to enter and complete the process of making Your truth my physical manifestation in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 5:14 - 7:72; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 21:8-10
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