- What vehicle is God giving you personally to invade the darkness of this world?
- God works on your passion, values, and vision before giving you wealth.
God works on your passion, values, and vision before giving you wealth. The mission of money in your hand will be determined by these three. If God is preparing you for great wealth, He will work on those three areas of your life first. The reason many pastors have problems in their church is that they don’t teach along the line of the passion, the values and the vision of their members.
Most of what we call NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) today are the assignments of Christians that lazy Christians are not taking, or untaught Christians have abandoned and unbelievers are taking it. What vehicle is God giving you personally to invade the darkness of this world?
Once you receive a mission and have a passion like that in your heart, then nobody will beg you to come for divine equipping. If your vision from God is to set up an orphanage for Jesus, you will need equipping to handle them otherwise you will educate boys and girls that can be intellectual devils. You need to know how you are going to shape their lives and deal with the root in their ancestry while you are raising them to be adults.
Our Church “The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church” started an operation years ago, operation GLAD (Give Life To A Destiny) at Destiny International College, people have been picking up the assignment to adopt a student. They are finding the purpose for the money in their hand because it is hooked onto a passion and a vision in their heart.
PRAYER: Lord, let the passion, the values and the vision in my heart align with what you are doing in my day. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 10:1-11:16, 2 Corinthians 12:11-21, Psalm 56:1-13, Proverbs 23:6-8