Marriage is designed to take a man to his peak. There are many wives that it is only God that can reward because their labour over the family is known to God. God is the Rewarder (Heb. 11:6). Most of the time, the wife’s labour cannot be quantified or spelt out, but no man has become what he has become without the healthy contribution of his wife.
Anywhere and every time you see something happening, whether good or bad, you will see a woman behind it. Be it politics, occultism, armed robbery, or destiny, you will always see women there. The woman’s middle name is “Help” – the one that makes things easy without coming on stage.
Though the woman’s role may not be visible to all, she makes things happen especially in marriage. Wife ministry is an underground ministry, and it is only God that can reward good wives for their underground labour.
The point I am making here is that marriage is designed to take you to your peak. There is something that you should be but can’t be alone, so God puts a spouse in your life to help you be that and you must appreciate that. Every married person should appreciate what their spouse is contributing to them and welcome it.
Every married person should settle down, appreciate that woman, appreciate that man, and begin to acknowledge the good things in their spouse that should come into their life.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the gift of my spouse, and I declare that together we will do destiny to its peak in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 6:1-9:17; 3 John 1:1-14; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 29:12-14
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