The devil uses symptoms to attack our stand in faith. There are different symptoms for different problems. There are financial sickness symptoms when you are in a financial crisis. There are physical symptoms of sickness. There are other symptoms of different life situations. In Abraham’s situation that we have been considering this month, it has to do with the deadness of his own body and Sarah’s womb. Whatever might be the symptoms, don’t consider them. Rather, consider the Lord in worship and prayer; consider Jesus.
When you are faced with contrary evidence of negative symptoms and you are believing God for a change in your circumstance, one thing you can do is to keep worshipping the Lord.
Get into the presence of God, take your eyes off the pain in your body and the symptoms in your circumstance, and keep your attention on the Lord through worship. That’s the only way to consider the Lord. Another thing you can do if you are not going to consider the contrary evidence is to consider the confession of the word of God and meditation on His promises. So, here are some practical steps to take:
1. Increase your feeding on the Word of God – Feed more on the Word of God! Hear tapes, study the Bible and meditate on the Word of God. Keep rolling the Word over and over in your mind until faith rises from within you. This is what God wants you to consider.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to put my attention on Your word and not on contrary evidence in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 12:1-15:35; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 21:30-31
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