Some of the times that I have seen some great anointing come upon me are the times that I’ve been so tired. I remember an evening service we had at Ilesa (SW, Nigeria) years ago. Earlier that day, I had been preaching and was tired. I just got home and slept. My wife woke me up later to remind me that we were having a miracle service at Ilesa that evening and because I was so tired, I said the pastor of the church should preach. She, however, prevailed on me to go, and as our custom is, we went together.
I dragged myself there, my brain was lazy, and I couldn’t think. I didn’t have anything to preach but as I got into the service, the anointing just came upon me, and the word of the Lord came. I declared to the church from 1 Samuel 2:8 that, “There is going to be a change of seat because God takes the poor from the dunghill and sits them with the kings on the throne.”
It was in that meeting that a medical doctor, who had been sitting for his professional exams, got the Word of the Lord that made him scale through at the next and final chance attempt he had. He would have been asked to withdraw from his medical programme if he didn’t make the next exam he sat for. He believed and confessed the Word of God for a change of seat. Yet, naturally speaking, I didn’t want to go and preach at that meeting where he got the Word that pushed him forward.
Remember this principle: the greater the sacrifice of your obedience, the greater the reward God gives as a result of that obedience.
This is a very important principle and I pray the Lord will help you to work it in your life and ministry correctly in Jesus name.
PRAYER: Father, I receive strength to obey any righteous demand placed on me in my destiny journey in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18; John 14:15-31; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 15:33 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
Beloved Woman of God,
Greetings of love in Jesus name!
WOMEN IN FRONT IN ZION 2023 is here again! It is God’s special feast for all the wives of Heads of Christian ministries!
Date: 2nd – 3rd June, 2023
Time: 12 noon on Friday through to 7am on Saturday!
Venue: Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church Headquarters, Osogbo, Osun State.
Registration: https://solaareogunministries.org/wifizion
For further enquiries: +234 805 953 3180, +234 907 991 2254
See you there!
You are blessed!
Rev Oyenike Areogun
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