- Christians must understand kingdom wealth
- The wants to stop the spread of the gospel
0ne of the reasons Christians must understand kingdom wealth in their hands is that a good man that is not born-again will not think of the spread of the gospel with his money. There are many naturally good causes in the world, that if the Church does not do, there are enough naturally good people that will do them.
But certain assignments are written in black and white in the Bible, yet, no naturally good person will think of doing them, and no government will budget for them. They are the assignments of the Church and the chief among them is to preach the gospel to every creature by all available means.
The reason the devil is attacking the teaching of prosperity is that he wants to stop the spread of the gospel. The question we need to ask ourselves, again and again, is, if Jesus should come to the world today, which one will He establish, a church or an orphanage? You need to answer that question personally.
The devil prefers to put money in the hand of a sinner that hates God or in the hand of a Christian that has no vision. Those are the two friends of the devil: a sinner that hates God and a Christian with no vision. You can check the wealthiest segment of the society, they are either sinners that have no plan and nothing to do with God or Christians that have no vision and are not serious with the things that touch God.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to know the purpose of prosperity and pursue it. When I pursue the purpose of prosperity, I will have the power to prosper. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Psalm 55:1-23, Proverbs 23:4-5