

05 Feb 2022: THE INVISIBLE RULES THE VISIBLE – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

The Scripture today talks about the outward man and the inward man. The Bible refers to the inward man as…

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04 Feb 2022: LOOKING AT THE RIGHT THINGS – Romans 4:19-21, Genesis 17:4-5

In the book of Genesis 17, when God told Abraham “I’ve made you the father of many nations”, what could…

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02 Oct 2021 : RISING ABOVE THE AVERAGE LIFE – Proverbs 22:29

When you look in the Bible, you will find out that God generally groups people into three classes while the…

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12 Sep 2021 : SEND YOUR MONEY ON A MISSION FOR GOD – Philippians 4:15-19; Nehemiah 2:17-20

God works on your passion, values, and vision before giving you wealth. The mission of money in your hand will…

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8 Sep 2021 : FACTS ABOUT MONEY YOU MUST KNOW (1) – Proverbs 10:22

The following are core facts about money you must know: 1. You must always have correct definition of wealth so…

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