

09 Mar 2022: NO PROBLEM IS PECULIAR, GOD ALWAYS HAS A WITNESS – Revelation 2:8; 1 Corinthians 10:13

Jesus told the angel of the Church in Smyrna that He’s the first and the last. Nothing is outside of…

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08 Mar 2022: DON’T ALLOW THE DEVIL TO POLLUTE YOUR FAMILY – Matthew 13:25-30

The devil can pollute families by injecting a personality on a mission to destroy the home. I know women that…

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07 Mar 2022: THE DEVIL HAS A PERSONALITY AROUND YOU (2) – Matthew 13:25-30

Every church must understand that we are facing a certain atmosphere that is determined by the principality ruling the land.…

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06 Mar 2022: THE DEVIL HAS A PERSONALITY AROUND YOU (1) – Acts 8:14-23

The devil doesn’t relent in his attempt to hijack your life. If you are starting a company, school, or anything,…

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28 Dec 2021: MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SPOUSE – Colossians 3:18-19

If your husband does not care or respect your emotions, always hurting you with his words, though a very wonderful,…

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