Yesterday, I showed you that the thinking of many believers that “the drive to succeed is evil” is wrong. Our passage today shows that if there is a good success, then there must be a bad success. God talks about good success, which is connected to His word. Focus on the good success the Bible talks about and let it take root in your mind. When you have the correct mindset and godly respect for something, it will affect your life positively.
If the sexual relationship between a husband and his wife is strained, most of the time, it is because their love for each other is strained. There cannot be good sex between a man and his wife when they do not love each other. Love does not mean lust; it includes respect for the other person. If you respect and love your wife/husband, there are things you will not do with/to each other sexually.
Having read to this point, you might have started a personal assessment of your mindset, identifying the wrong views you have embraced and the ones you need to get rid of.
A man of God who was sick had a vision where he saw a being in a white garment that said, “My son, it is not my will to heal you.” After that, he started preparing himself for death. Kenneth Hagin, in ministering to the man and encouraging him, asked him if it did not occur to him that the statement was against the Bible and that the being he saw was the devil. This did not occur to him, and he just accepted what that strange being said.
You too can start debunking those wrong mindsets in you now!
PRAYER: Lord, I set myself free from every wrong mindset and posture that drives wealth away from me in Jesus’s name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 22:1-24:23; Galatians 2:17-3:9; Psalm 60:1-12; Proverbs 23:15-16 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/AHK)
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