In the spiritual realm, doors are opened and closed through words and actions, which can be categorized into two levels: careless words and actions, and deliberate words and actions. I want to emphasize the crucial role words play in connecting you to significant commitments, particularly in marriage.
Marriage consists of three key components:
1. The joining itself,
2. The legal aspect,
3. The consummation of the marriage, which occurs after the wedding ceremony.
The joining happens through the vows exchanged between the groom and bride, binding their souls to one another. You must understand who stands before you during this sacred moment. You are entering into a covenant, and the words spoken will weave your souls and spirits together, creating a bridge that extends into future generations.
Be cautious of the labels you use. Don’t say, “I am the son of a pastor, and I married the daughter of a witch.” It matters less about her lineage and more about her spiritual standing. Is she born again? Have you addressed any negative ancestral influences?
As believers, you must not allow issues to slip through the cracks, creating backdoor access to your family.
If there are unresolved matters from the past, address them promptly! Recognize the power of your words and actions and be diligent in ensuring that your marriage is founded on a solid spiritual foundation that brings blessings and protection to your family for generations to come.
PRAYER: Lord, whatever I am negatively joined to, through words that have brought contrary flows into my life, I disconnect from them now in Jesus’ name.
Zechariah 6:1-7:14, Revelation 15:1-8, Psalm 143:1-12, Proverbs 30:24-28
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