Once a year in September, we hold a finance convention in our ministry where we consider God’s plan for the financial and material success of His children. You are particularly invited to this year’s Finance Convention. In commemorating this year’s Finance Convention, September 2021 Spirit Meat will consider the subject of wealth and finances as it pertains to you as a believer.
If you read the text for today without asking the Holy Spirit to explain to you, you will think He is against treasures but verse 21 gave us certain positions:
1. There is ‘he that layeth not up and he is not rich towards God’. ‘He that layeth not up’ is the one that doesn’t save. The man in the above scripture gathers and saves; laying up treasures.
2. There is ‘he that layeth up and he is not rich towards God’. The first and the second are both fools. The first one is the worst fool; he doesn’t lay-up and he is not rich towards God. The Bible also calls the one that lays up and is not rich towards God a fool.
3. There is ‘he that layeth not up and he is rich towards God’. Many Christians are like that; he is rich towards God but he doesn’t lay-up.
4. There is ‘the one that layeth up and he is rich towards God’.
These are the four positions. If you divide it into two categories, you will see that two are on the foolish side while two are on the wise side. The wisest is the one that lays up and is rich towards God.
God is set to give you keys to Financial freedom, Financial independence, Financial Excellence and Financial Dominion! Don’t miss any of the days, as God will be introducing you to laws and acts that govern the kingdom wealth flow.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me to relate with the Father correctly. Bring me into the understanding of principles for kingdom wealth flow in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR:Job 40:1-42:17, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Psalm 45:1-17, Proverbs 22:14