
21 December 2023: THE LAW OF HONOUR IN MARRIAGE – 1 Peter 3:1, 7

If there’s anything that will make a marriage succeed, it is honour. Connect this to the Law of Precedence and you will get a full understanding. The word “honour” in Greek means “to set a value on something” or “to fix a value on”. Husband, you have no right to devalue your wife. Always remember that your wife takes precedence over your sister and mother, and let that be clear to everyone.

You cannot dishonour your wife and have God bless you, and you cannot dishonour your husband and have God bless you.

The Law of Honour will give birth to the right use of words in your marriage. When God made the woman, He brought her to Adam to see what he would call her, and he said, “She’s Eve, the mother of all living; she’s the bone of my bone”. The absence of honour or incomplete honour is responsible for the trouble in many marriages.

Sadly, there are many homes today where the man treats his wife as though she is one of his properties. There are women today who don’t even have a voice in their husbands’ lives. This is incorrect. Husband, your wife must have a voice in your life. You must use words and actions to honour your wife. Likewise, a woman must honour her husband and follow his leadership for a healthy and prosperous marriage..

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to properly honour my spouse and treat him/her in light of the office you’ve given each of us. Amen!

Zechariah 1:1-21; Revelation 12:1-17; Psalm 140:1-13; Proverbs 30:17

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