
30 August 2022: THE HEARING THAT PRODUCES RESULTS (2) – Luke 6:17; 5:15, Romans 10:17

Don’t be among the group of people that come to encounter the miraculous but have not heard. They did not hear to have an understanding, and it made it very difficult for them to receive. There are people that came to me for prayers in the past that I didn’t pray for immediately. I told them to sit down and hear the word for some time and by the time they came for prayers, they were ready to receive. There are some that I didn’t have to pray for again.

No matter what you are asking God to do, the initiating process is the hearing of faith. Some people might need to do an all-day hearing or all-night hearing of the word. Anytime you need a miracle from God, go to your closet and start hearing what God has to say either through tape or reading the Bible aloud to yourself. Listen to it until you know something has entered you.

The hearing of faith puts your destiny in your hands and not another. You are not ready to receive until you have heard. The people in Luke 6:17 came to hear and be healed of their infirmities. So, everywhere Jesus healed the people, the initiating process was the HEARING OF FAITH. It is those that heard that came to be healed.

Finally, you cannot hear it once and say you have heard it. You have to hear it over and over again. When you hear it again and again, it becomes a planting and a force that draws power into your life.

PRAYER: Help me Lord to be involved in active hearing that produces divine results in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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