Many ministries and callings will minister to you as a Christian; however, there will be a particular one that God will choose to shape and fashion you for your destiny. When you come across that ministry or that calling, there must be certain changes in the structure of your attitude so that you can experience and enjoy what that ministry or calling has been ordained to do in your life.
In Ephesian 4, the Bible talks of the 5-fold ministry gifts that God has given to the church, these five offices are given to the entire body of Christ – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors. The Bible says He gave some, Apostles; some, Prophets; some, Evangelists; some, Teachers; and some, Pastors – ‘some,’ … The word ‘some’ is very important because it means that not everybody is given; some men are given as gifts to the rest of the people. Furthermore, the word ‘some’ also applies to the recipients of the gifts: He gave to some an apostle; to some people, a prophet; to some others, an evangelist; to some, a teacher; and to some others, He gave a pastor. Therefore, although the five are all given to the general body of Christ, each person and each group of people must find out and know which one God has given to them among these five.
It is not correct to say that a church is not complete until all these five offices exist in the church because you are not likely to find all of them present together in a single church – the Bible never said anything like that. However, after God has given ‘some’ to us, he occasionally sends ‘all’ to us. You must recognize the difference between the one that He gave to you and the one that He sends to you.
Now you must develop endurance towards (and for) the one that he gave to you because that is the one you will stay with. For instance, if He gave you an apostle, you will need to develop endurance for him and his ministry; but then, God will send prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to you regularly who will cross your path in different ways and at different times.
Over the years, I have found out a lot of people did not become all that God wanted them to become because they didn’t endure the ministry that God raised and gave to them to shape them, fashion them, and prepare them, for destiny. It is not an emotional thing but a divine choice, and once God makes that choice for you, you must make some structural adjustments in your attitude to accommodate and endure that ministry.
PRAYER: Father, I receive the baptism of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to recognize the calling that you have given to me and to develop the necessary endurance for the call in order to become all you have ordained through him.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32