Don’t let men promote you if you have not passed the test of God. If you do, the devil will kill you one day! You will meet greedy pastors that are looking for a large congregation or people to follow them. Don’t let them promote you emotionally. If you have not passed the test of God, you know it, God knows it, and the devil knows it. Eventually, a Goliath will reveal it one day.
God always asks this question: “ARE YOU A SON?” I also ask you, “Have you become a son?” After all, the so-called soldiers went into hiding for fear of Goliath, and it was David, a shepherd boy, that confronted Goliath. Saul didn’t ask which military school David attended but asked whose son David was (1 Sam. 17:58).
The Kingdom of God rests on sonship and not on title, and the glory of God rests on sonship.
When Jesus was to start His ministry, God said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Mat. 3:17).” The first 30 years of Jesus’ life was a test of His sonship under a physical man, Joseph the carpenter. God the Son stayed in the house of two human beings that He created and served as a son. He did not quarrel with Joseph. He was the son of man and he passed the first test. God could therefore say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” and the Holy Ghost came upon Him.
If you are a son to your natural father, there is a basic nature of sonship that is given to you. When you get to your workplace, you are not likely to be the one that will rudely confront your boss. You are not likely the one that will confront your pastor in the church because you will be a son and a blessing everywhere when you are a son. This Kingdom is about sonship and only the rebellious will dwell in dry land (Psa. 68:6). What God is looking for is sonship and not what you have achieved through your natural effort. We can impress men, but we can’t impress God.
PRAYER: Lord, I let go of everything that kills the spirit of a true son. I receive a fresh baptism of sonship. Show me what I must die to for me to become a son in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22; John 4:4-42; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 14:25 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
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