Let’s see the third reason people operate lesser than their calling.
3. Comparison and competition: Each part needs different gifts to function in its different role. The foot has a different assignment from the hand, but if it is comparing itself and competing with the hand, it won’t do its job. This is another reason people perform lesser than their call. If you are competing with somebody, you won’t ever do your job but you will be running that person’s race. God has called us to complement each other, not to compete with each other. You are unique and different in your calling. You are not inferior to another person.
There are churches today that recognise only stewards that perform public functions, so those whose assignments are in the background don’t think they are important. The intercessor is not less important to the preacher. The intercessor’s job is not necessarily public and is not less important to that of a chorister. God has placed different roles and gifts in church for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-12).
We can’t all have the same type of gift and calling. The Bible talks of multiplicity and multi-dimension of calling. It also talks about complementation of callings, not competition of callings. The eye and the ear don’t compete; they complement each other to bring benefits to the Body. We don’t have the same assignment, we don’t have the same equipment to fulfil our assignments, but we have equal honour with the Father.
PRAYER: I will not be lesser than God has ordained me to be in my calling in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9
Dearly beloved, Greetings of love in Jesus Name. You are specially invited to PRAY, PLAN & PREPARE for the upcoming Anointed Feast Of God for mankind: ANNUAL GOD OF BREAKTHROUGHS CONVENTION & HOMECOMING (GOBC&H) 2022 with the Theme: THE END-TIME OVERCOMER Date: 3rd July - 10th July, 2022 (Sunday - Sunday). Time: 6am-8am, 8am-10am, 10am-12noon, 12noon-2pm and 4pm-9pm daily (all GMT +1). Venue: The Dream Centre Of the Life Oasis International Church HQ, Km 4 Gbongan-Osogbo Expressway, Osun State, Nigeria. Ministering: Rev. Olusola+Oyenike Areogun (Hosts) and other anointed men of God! Enquiries: +2349079912254, +2348033879828, +2348033506866, +2347038548230 Live streaming available at: www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org and all our social media platforms. Register at: https://lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/gobch2022/ Come, all things are yours! Come, all things are ready! Jesus is Lord!!!