There is a divinely designed spouse that God has made for each of His children. Some people have asked the question, “Does that mean there is only one particular lady for a man and one particular man for a woman?” I tell such people that the prayer they need is accuracy. I pray that God will help you to be accurate.
After you have found your God-designed husband and wife, it does not mean that you have just become the perfect person for each other. There is something required for you to do as a man, and there is something required for you to do as a woman so that your marriage would be as God intends it. If both the man and the woman do what they ought to do in obedience, the devil is in trouble because they will form such a bundle of force for God on the earth and their home would become a citadel of God’s glory, an arena of divine doings that God can use to help a lot of people in any field that they find themselves.
As a husband, don’t have a relationship with your wife such that you can’t freely give her permission to be stupid in your presence without calling her stupid.
Let your spouse be free to spontaneously say anything that comes to his/her mind no matter how crazy, without you roasting or making him/her feel insecure with you.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to become the husband or the wife my spouse is looking for in our marriage in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:2-35; 1 John 3:7-24; Psalm 122:1-9; Proverbs 29:1
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