These are some other things that the Holy Spirit does not fellowship with.
3. Offences: This one is another major weapon of the devil. There is no way you will be a great intercessor with offences in your heart. Anytime someone offends you, don’t hold on to that offence. No matter how it hurts you, forgive them. I tell people to practise forgiveness in advance. What do I mean by that? Before you leave the house every morning, tell God, “I forgive in advance anyone that might do anything to offend me today.” So, if the offence comes, you will not hold on to it. It is too dangerous for your spiritual health to hold on to offences. Once you don’t forgive men, God will also not forgive you. That is the scripture. That means you want God to also call all your sins to record.
So, for your sake, forgive your offenders. No matter how terrible the offence may look, you have done worse to God.
4. Competition and Comparison: God has not called us to compare ourselves with others, so, don’t do it. There is no point competing with another person, rather complement them. You should only enter a competition with the programme of God for your life and make sure that everything God has ordained you to do is completely accomplished. For example, no man compares apples and oranges with respect to one being better or worse than the other. That will be a sign of limited wisdom because there is no basis for their comparison.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, be free to purge me of everything God detests that is present in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 39:1-40:27; James 2:18-3:18; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 28:2
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