Still looking at the different levels of relating with the Holy Ghost, we saw two levels yesterday- the Ankle-deep level: when you are in control of your life and decisions and also, the Knee-deep level- when your decisions are mainly soulish. Let’s continue today:
3. THE LOIN-LEVEL (Verse 4): At this point, you can sense the struggle between the spirit and the flesh. Just like Paul experienced in Romans 7:19, 23-24. When you get into the spirit realm, you suddenly discover that uncrucified flesh is a terrible enemy to spirituality, and there are things that want to feed that uncrucified flesh in your life. Most people have filled their homes with gadgets that service the uncrucified flesh: TV and entertainment shows of all kinds.
As His child, God wants you to turn it around and use it to feed your spirit. You can either tune your TV to a pornographic channel or a Christian channel, you determine which one you want to feed on.
4. THE RIVER EXPERIENCE (Verse 47:5): There is a river that flows from the throne of God through the Holy Spirit to your spirit. Will your body be a vehicle or a prison for the Holy Ghost? In this passage, there was water everywhere – this signifies a situation where the Holy Ghost is fully in charge. And you must get to that place when you bring your mind to follow the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Lord, I submit my all (spirit, soul, and body) to the dictates of the Holy Spirit. Let my will become your will. Let humanity be swallowed up by the divinity of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 5:1-31; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 28:19-20 ————————————————————
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