You won’t know how heavy the rainfall is unless you have a tank to trap the rain. Similarly, you won’t know how much God has blessed you without a savings account. The devil steals your harvest when you say there’s not enough to save. Here are a few critical savings accounts you should have:
1. Targeted savings account: Here, you are denying yourself for a particular reason. A good target is saving towards building your house. Graduates can save for professional examinations.
2. Rainy day account: With this account, you have a savings balance equal to six months’ worth of your current salary that you can make do with if anything tampers with your work.
3. Joseph’s account: God showed me Joseph’s account in 1992 which is saving twenty percent of your earnings without touching it for seven years.
If you are faithful to your Joseph’s account, God can bring you an opportunity to buy a house worth 7 million naira for 2 million naira.
4. Gathering the crumbs account: The crumbs are all the small loose change hanging around your house. Gather the crumbs because there is plenty of wealth in fragments (Joh. 6:12).
5. Kids savings scheme: This is to activate the operation of the spirit of prosperity upon your children by getting them involved in saving. Motivate them by promising to double every dime they save. Teach them to read their Bible when they wake up in the morning and meditate on their Bible, and check their passbook before bed at night.
PRAYER: Lord, deliver me from every form of financial indiscipline that is making me despise the truths about saving in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 43:14-45:10; Ephesians 3:1-21; Psalm 68:1-18; Proverbs 24:1-2
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