Considering your circumstances can get you into trouble. Sarah felt she was growing old and it looked as if faith was not going to work. That was when she considered that Abraham should go in with her maid and they got Ishmael. Many times, in walking with God, you can produce an Ishmael which equals trying to achieve a divine promise with human manipulation. This can only land you in trouble.
Considering your circumstances happens in your mind. One thing you must learn to do to prevent your circumstances from prevailing over your faith is to cast down imaginations. Negative thoughts will always come from the devil. The devil fights your faith from getting an answer and from changing the circumstances for the better through thoughts.
This means that the arena of battle in spiritual warfare is the arena of man’s mind. You lose or win spiritual battles in your mind. The devil comes to suggest all kinds of thoughts to people’s minds such as, “God is not going to give you a miracle this time around”. He came with thought and asked Eve a question, “…hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?” He came to her mind with a thought, she responded, and fell.
Watch your thoughts. Don’t let the devil hold you in the arena of thinking. Always stay in the arena of faith. Stay on the word of God. When the devil came to Jesus to tempt Him the same way he came to Adam and Eve and they fell, Jesus didn’t fall because He responded with the Word (Mat. 4:6-10)
PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace and strength to prevail with Your word in the arena of my mind. I will prevail with Your word in every spiritual battle the enemy brings to my mind in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 4:1-7:21; 1 Corinthians 14:18-40; Psalm 37:30-40; Proverbs 21:27
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