When you put the word of God in your mouth, you create an atmosphere that makes it easy for angels to influence men in the direction of the will of God. A nation is an outflow of the confession of her citizens. A life is an outflow of the confessions of the individual. Stop working right and speaking wrong!
1. The word of God feeds your spirit. It’s the food that feeds your spirit man. The inward man is fed by the spoken word of God.
2. When you begin to declare the word of God, it opens the door of your life to divine operations and at the same time arrests satanic operations.
3. It sets in motion natural activities under angelic influences to accomplish desirable results in your life. When you begin to speak the word of God like “goodness and mercy shall follow me”, it changes the atmosphere of your life, and angels begin to influence men to act under the influence of goodness and mercy for you.
Your mouth is a vent through which the supernatural will enter your life. Your mouth is critical because it gives the spirit inside you an opening to get into your life. Every time you open your mouth, you release God or Satan to operate and you release angels or demons to operate.
Ultimately, you make a choice with your mouth! (Ps. 103:20)
PRAYER: I receive grace to always birth forth the divine in my life and not the demonic. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 10:1-2