Some people say, “We are wiser after the event”, but that is not God’s intention for a child of God. Your spirit man in tune with the Holy Spirit is to make you wiser before the event so that you can handle it to the glory of God and for your own good.
Today, we will be rounding off our study on how the Holy Spirit contacts your spirit man.
6. REST (Micah 2:10): This is one of the quickest ways to know if you are in the wrong place. If your spirit is not at rest where you are, begin to ask questions about where you should go. If there is no rest inside your spirit about a particular thing, person, or place, run because a refusal to yield to that caution will destroy you. It is the rest in your spirit that determines where you should be. When it comes to decision making, which choice gives you the most peace? That is the right one! But when you have an unrest over a decision, check it and be sure. You may be confronted with a business proposition that will earn you billions, but if there is no peace within you, don’t follow it.
Let the peace of God rule in your heart.
7. HEART STIRRING (Haggai 1:14): A heart-stirring is a divine move in your heart – an excitement. You don’t have to force yourself. Just allow God to do the stirring and if there is a stirring, follow it. When your heart moves you to do something, go ahead and do it.
PRAYER: Lord, I open my spirit man to divine communications from now on, let the light of the Holy Spirit shine upon my spirit and let my spirit man come alive in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 24:1-26:21; Hebrews 11:1-16; Psalm 110:1-7; Proverbs 27:14 ————————————————————
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