God gives you a foundation to start by Kingdom regeneration. Then, He brings you to a church where the tendencies that will counter negative natural tendencies and order will be formed inside you. The Church is not a place to go and show on Sunday; it is a place where the new genes are to be developed in you to give you a new life and a new manifestation. You can’t go to a church that doesn’t hold you accountable because such a church will fail you.
You are to believe in Jesus as your Head and belong to a church as your family. You are accountable to the church. Church membership is not attendance; it is followership and accountability. If every professing Christian in Nigeria that attends church is accountable to the authority of a God-ordained pastor, they would behave better while holding governmental positions because the pastor will hold them accountable.
The Church is key in helping you activate the Kingdom process that can bring divine intervention against negative natural donations in your life. The family is where the generational and natural genes are fashioned. If your father is an alcoholic, he will train you to be one if you stay in that family long enough. He would teach you how to pour beer into a cup such that it doesn’t foam. When some people hold their pen, you will know they used to smoke because they hold it like a cigarette. What you call “the flesh” is the training that the devil gave your body while you were under his control. That is why “the flesh” is one of your enemies.
PRAYER: Father, I refuse to submit to the control of negative natural order and donations in my life. I submit to Kingdom forces that counter negative natural orders, tendencies, and traits in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 7:1-8:20; Luke 7:36-8:3; Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 12:1