We started looking at the three levels of work yesterday. Let’s see the other two levels of work today.
1. Hard work
This is leg work; where you go to work, press, stretch, and get things done. This involves bringing all your energy, and resources to do what you received from God in prayer. Employ everything in you. Man as a human being is a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body. There is something in man that goes beyond mind and body. You have genes in your body. You have talents, skills, and traits (characteristics) in your soul. Skill is what you acquire, talent is what you are born with, and traits are things that came from your ancestry. So how big or large your life becomes is not dependent on God alone, but dependent on what you do with whom God made you. You must bring every positive thing that is in you to bear in hard work. Acquire more skills, develop yourself, and explore your talents.
2. Faith work
This is mouth work.
Your confession must align with your action. Faith work requires that you speak right as you work hard. Don’t pray well and speak wrong.
An unbeliever does not have this third level of work and a lot of his life is based on guesswork. The recipe for disaster is when you engage in the practice of speaking against your work or prayer. This is what happens to most people and makes them fail in the three levels of work.
In my over 40 years of pastoring, I have noticed that people’s lives begin to accelerate once I get them to speak right or discipline their mouths.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me to discipline my mouth as I work hard and pray so that my life can accelerate, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32; Romans 3:9-31; Psalm 12:1-8; Proverbs 19:13-14 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9y3. Thank you!)
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