Your work is what you spend your time doing, while your job is what you use your certificate to get. So, if you spend twelve hours watching television and eight hours studying in a day, your work is watching television. Be watchful of what you spend the bulk of your time doing. There are three levels of work that you must master as a child of God if you are going to be successful in life. You must master and engage in these levels of work constantly.
1. Prayer work
This is knee work; when you kneel and pray. People may mock or laugh at you while you kneel to pray. They may ask questions about why you are praying. I listen to people and see a lot of people disparage prayer because they have not seen commensurate results in the lives of people who spend a lot of time praying. A man that believes that prayer alone will make him succeed also believes that success is dependent on God. He assumes that God can give success to anybody He likes.
A spiritual gambler is anyone who believes prayer alone will make him succeed.
There seems to be no difference between people who spend so much time praying and do nothing else and those playing the lottery. If you believe that prayer alone will make you succeed, you are not different from a gambler. A gambler somehow believes secretly in his heart that success comes by chance.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, take hold with me to pray correctly and receive divine inspiration for my life and destiny endeavours in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30; Romans 2:25-3:8; Psalm 11:1-7; Proverbs 19:10-12 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9y3. Thank you!)
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