Sheepdogs are made up of elders, leaders, intercessors, and those serving as stewards in the church. They are the ones that are teaming up with the Holy Spirit to accomplish what He is doing.
The role of a sheepdog is to identify wolves before they strike and to protect the sheep. If you watch a real shepherd and a wolf functioning in a natural sheepfold in the bush, you will see that the wolf is always hiding in the bush and stalking the sheep. It is the sheepdog that stays on the fence, on the perimeter and watches while the sheep is grazing and unaware of any danger. Once the sheepdogs see the dangerous movement of a wolf, they signal to each other and move to that area and corner the wolf.
Knowing that he cannot function alone, the appointed pastor of a sheepfold appoints watchdogs in the outer perimeters of the fold.
The roles of the sheepdogs start from responsibilities like taking notice that somebody who used to be regular in the church has begun to slack in his or her attendance.
The work of the sheepdog is in three folds:
(i) To keep all the sheep in the fold;
(ii) To watch over the goats to curtail their excesses by quenching the strife that the goat wants to create; and
(iii) To keep the wolf out.
When the sheep learn to listen to their sheepdogs, the wolves begin to respect the sheepdogs. The wolves know that if they would have to be successful in a sheepfold, they will have to overcome the sheepdog to enter. Therefore, those that are in those posts must be sensitive and take their assignments seriously.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray for everyone functioning in the role of the sheepdog in my local assembly for heightened sensitivity this year in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 13:1-14:15; Luke 18:1-17; Psalm 85:1-13; Proverbs 13:7-8 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
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