One thing that would make releasing strength to cover up weakness enjoyable in the home is not to take things too seriously. If you like to fight, fight in the office before you go home. Do anything you want to do outside, but when you go home, home is for peace, home is for rest, home is for comfort, home is for sweetness, and home is for romance. That is what the family is for – a mini heaven on earth.
Learn to joke about things. Overlook things and discuss things that cannot be overlooked with love at the appropriate time.
Don’t let tension rise in your home and it will be easy for you to relate with each other and not read any meaning into your spouse’s innocent comment.
One day, in one of our Yoruba television programmes for families Bawo Ni Idile Yin ?e Ri? (How is Your Family Faring?), the subject of discussion was the issue of mouth odour in marriage. A woman asked what she could do about the terrible stench from her husband’s mouth because he might slap her if she told him upfront.
My counsel for the woman was to buy toothpaste, mouthwash, mouth spray, and other mouth care products, and place them strategically in the house. When the man finished brushing his mouth, tell him, “My dear, they said these kill germs in the mouth.” And when he sees that you use it also, he will take it from you. By the time he is seeing the effect, he would even be the one that would be buying it for the family.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive wisdom for home-building in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 4:1-6:14; Revelation 2:18-3:6; Psalm 130:1-8; Proverbs 29:21-22
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