It is important for a young man to know that he needs to be accurate in making a marital choice. If he looks around, there are multitudes of females and he needs to choose only one. The same applies to a young lady. You can’t just marry anybody but the right person that God has ordained for you. Where is the right person? The right person is known by God. It is God that knows you so well. He knows the right person and has prepared him/her. How then will you get a God–ordained spouse and not your self–chosen one that may or may not turn out right?
1. Be born–again. This is the first step into the programme of God for you.
2. Commit yourself to the plan of God for your life. The preparation you need to get a God–ordained husband or wife is not about looking out for one; it’s about allowing the workings of God in you. Commit to God’s plan for you and start working it out. Start working out the will of God for you in your generation.
Marriage is not a separate thing but a continuation of the programme of God in a man’s life.
As you continue in God’s programme for your life, a time will come when you can’t continue alone, so God brings someone to join you or joins you to someone. Adam had been created in the Garden of Eden, God had given him the assignment to name the animals and he was doing it until God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him (Gen. 2:18).” So, God gave Eve to Adam while he was serving the will of God in his generation.
PRAYER: Father, I believe Your current workings in my life are preparing me for my future. I cooperate with You and put my trust in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 7:1-9:15; Revelation 3:7-22; Psalm 131:1-3; Proverbs 29:23
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