In the military, a soldier always desires to belong to a command unit and remains accountable to an officer.
Not being in a command unit is the most dangerous thing for a soldier. He may still be paid a regular salary, but without a command unit, if anything happens to him, there will be no commanding officer that can rally other soldiers to defend or rescue him. He becomes an easy target for the enemy.
If a soldier in the armed forces must belong to a unit to qualify for protection, how much more a Christian soldier? The significance of this is what happens when a church is operated as a command unit. For example, if a church member is in a situation that calls for a continuous prayer chain by the Church (e.g., for 24 hours of daily prayer for 30 days due to an emergency), the pastor or leader rallies other members of the Church to cover all the hours of the intercession until the devil is defeated.
In Acts 12, prayer was made without ceasing by the Church for Peter to be released from prison. At the Dream Centre Church, we have seen that work for many people. When pregnant women are set to deliver at the hospital, pastors set up prayer chains for the safety of both the mother and the child(ren). It is more than love; it is a command. The people praying in the church may not necessarily be able to identify whom they are praying for. All they know is just the name and they begin to pray because the Church is a command unit.
PRAYER: Father, I take my place as a member of a command unit in the army of God. Let my life answer the call of Your will in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 16:1-18:28; Luke 19:1-27; Psalm 87:1-7; Proverbs 13:11 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
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