Here are more scriptural instances of recognising and weaponising your seed.
22. When a man of God you know and trust specifically asks you to do so. Many times, God tells us our seedtime through His servants. Elijah said, “Make me thereof a little cake first (1 Kin. 17:13).” God instructed Moses to call for a special offering from the people (Exo. 35:1-21) and Jesus asked Peter for his boat to teach from (Lu. 5:1-3).
23. One of my most extraordinary seedtimes was communicated to me in a dream where I saw a particular man of God asking me to give his ministry a specific amount. On enquiring from God, He told me He was calling our ministry to sow that amount to that ministry. What great harvest came our way through such encounters!
God communicates to us in the language of dreams and visions. Be sensitive when you see yourself giving in a dream.
24. When you notice a need in the work of God, the life of a child of God, a man of God, or the house of God, such is one of the ways the Holy Spirit leads you into special seedtimes.
25. When your wife moves you to do it. God often talks to unbelievers, good men, or young convert men through their saved wives. An example is the wife of Pontius Pilate – Mat. 27:18-19
26. When your child moves you to give. God used the little boy’s lunch to feed five thousand – Joh. 6:8-12.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to hold back on divine promptings to sow to my man of God, house of God, or work of God in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16; 2 Corinthians 8:16-24; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 22:22-23
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