
17 August 2022: WALKING IN BIBLE HOPE (2) – Romans 4:18; Job 14:7; Psalm 42:5

Just like it happened in the life of Abraham, your circumstances will always contradict what God has said concerning you. However, against all odds, you must believe in hope. This hope is in the promises of God for you. You must understand that Bible hope is not just wishing that the best will happen to you. You need to avoid wishing as opposed to releasing Bible hope in God. A wish is just a mere desire that has no force backing it up, but hope is an expectation based on a definite promise.

Many people come to men of God looking for prayer and wishing for something to happen without having any definite promise from God, forgetting that they cannot have the faith to take whatever God didn’t promise. Since they don’t have faith for it, their hope cannot work. One thing about Bible hope is that you have to prepare for your hope to come to pass. If you trust the person that gave you a promise, you will be preparing for the manifestation of that promise.

When you read in the Bible that God has promised that something will be yours and you doubt, you are insulting His integrity. That means you are not walking in Bible hope. Any human being can wish, but wishes will never bring to pass the miracle of God. Against hope, Abraham believed in the hope that came from the promise of God. Becoming the father of many nations was according to that which God had spoken concerning him, not according to what medical evidence presented. The circumstance in his body spoke that he couldn’t have a child, but the promise of God said he would have a child.

PRAYER: Lord, I believe that my outcome in life will be according to what You have spoken and not according to my circumstance. I hold on to Your promises that birth positive outcomes in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Nehemiah 12:27-13:31; 1 Corinthians 11:1-16; Psalm 35:1-16; Proverbs 21:17-18

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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