The rich young ruler couldn’t become what God planned for him because he was not willing to be broken. When the Lord called that rich young ruler to follow Him, He had the replacement for Judas in mind. This young man was a perfect replacement for Judas because money wouldn’t have been his problem. He wouldn’t steal money while Judas was stealing money. He would have been the best replacement for Judas and Jesus called him directly. What a way for someone to enter into destiny! He didn’t have a problem with following Jesus but he had a problem associating with the disciples.
Whatever time you came into the programme of God, whoever is going to coach you and train you, let him do it. Even Jesus did not allow celebrity status for Himself. When He stood before John the Baptist, John said He should baptise him. Jesus insisted that it should be so for them so that all righteousness could be fulfilled.
There are too many people that have not fulfilled all righteousness and they are trying to become something in the house of God. Men may not know, but it takes authentic problems like a Goliath to show the real level of such people.
That your friend can do something does not mean you can do the same. What is inside both of you determines what you can bring outside. At a certain stage in life, real growth is internal growth. If you are not growing inside, you are losing. You must let God treat you the same way He treats all those that He receives. There is a way that God treats everyone that He accepts. You must find a place where you can be treated like that, otherwise you won’t become what others are becoming.
PRAYER: Lord, I submit myself for divine coaching and divine working for internal growth in my life.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 1:1-2:22, Philemon 1:1-25, Psalm 101:1-8, Proverbs 26:20