God told Samuel to go to the house of Jesse, that He had prepared for Himself, a king among his sons. That phrase always stirs up some depth of anointing of preaching inside me – a king amongst his sons. After Samuel said, “Are these all your sons?” Jesse said, “No, there is a little one, he’s keeping the flock.” And Samuel said, “We won’t sit down until he comes.” And they went to bring David. When the Lord told Samuel to arise and anoint David, he was not standing up before a boy; he was standing up before a destiny.
He anointed David in the midst of his brethren because David respected his place and he took it serious. He became a minstrel, a warrior, and a prophet from a practical job. He developed a hearing ear and a heart that was so diligent. David won all the battles that he led on behalf of God over Israel.
Don’t construct your life on nothing. Construct your life on substantial things of the Kingdom. Don’t steal somebody’s money to start a business; make your own money. If you can make money yourself, you can relocate anywhere and make it again. What you steal, you can’t duplicate. David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail him for the fear of this man”. David said he would defeat Goliath because while he was keeping his father’s flock and a bear and a lion came, he took them on, and collected the lamb from their mouths. Saul gave him his armour to wear, but it didn’t work. You are to develop the secret weapons that God will use through your hands in the place that God puts you. David was a product of process.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to go through my process correctly, so that the outcome of my life will bring glory to your name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Psalm 99:1-9, Proverbs 26:17
Beloved of God, Greetings of love in Jesus name. I am glad to inform and invite you to the upcoming 47th ALL NATIONS' WOMEN CONGRESS on world evangelization. DATE: OCTOBER 22-24, 2021. TIME: Friday (5pm-8pm), Saturday (8am-2pm), Sunday (8am) THEME: PRACTICAL LIVING FOR APOSTOLIC WOMEN! It’s a special Question and Answer time + mentoring clinic on the practical side of women that are heavily involved with the moves of God and deep operations of the Holy Spirit these last days! *Relationships & Associations *Business and economic development *Career advance *Domestic affairs- housekeeping and all *Marital issues *Emotional healing and stability *self grooming, poise & physical appearance *Advanced self education *Fitness and Health plans *AND LOTS MORE!! VENUE: Dream Centre HQs, Osogbo , Osun State. Nigeria. Registration can be done at https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc Great encounters awaits you in God’s presence! Be there! all things are ready! Jesus is Lord! Rev Oyenike Areogun