
02 February 2024: THE NAME OF THE LORD: OUR SALVATION – Psalm 20:7-8

From our text today, we see that there are two results people can have in the world: some fall, and some stand upright. This is because some people depend on the arm of flesh, on the wisdom of man, and natural resources. But some remember the name of the Lord and have a different outcome.

There is a force in the world that is bringing men down. When you make flesh your strength, depend on natural resources alone and you discountenance God, a force will eventually bring you down. That force is the devil s force. The devil s wickedness and satanic opposition will bring that person down, but when you learn to remember the name of the Lord your God, the force of the divine power of God will raise you up.

These two experiences are available, but your choice is based on who you trust. Who is your hope? Where is your confidence? Is it in your job, your career, your earthly connections or the Lord God of heaven and earth?

Regardless of the situations and circumstances you may find yourself, there is a name of God that He has revealed that you can call upon and it will bring you deliverance.

All our salvation is located in the name of the Lord, and that is why you need to know which name of God to call upon for salvation and deliverance in whatever situation of life you find yourself. As you find out the names of the Lord, you will be brought to a place that you will keep remembering those names, and you ll be rising to rise, instead of falling to fall.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray that I will not be a victim of the devil s wickedness these last days but take advantage of the provision in Your name to continually rise to rise in Jesus’ name.

Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalm 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26

(Please note that you can follow this month's devotional on YouVersions's The Bible App using the link: http://bible.us/r/)


Dearly Beloved of God,

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You are specially invited to the 2024 edition of our ANNUAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY (ASOM)


Date: 1st - 3rd February 2024 (Thursday - Saturday)

Time (GMT+1): Thursday:  5pm-9pm | Friday: 8am-2pm & 5pm-9pm | Saturday:  8am-12noon

Venue: The Dream Centre Headquarters, Close to November 27 Interchange (Ona baba Ona Bridge) before the State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

Joining us to minister are God’s servants: PASTOR TUNDE JAIYEBO and REV. AKINLOLU RAPHAEL 

Registration: Go to https://solaareogunministries.org/asom/ for online registration. Registration is FREE but the conference materials go for #2000 only.

All sessions will be streamed online on our streaming platforms.

Enquiries: For enquiries on accommodation, feeding, tapes and books from this conference and other planning, please call +2349079912254; +2348036207471; and +234 706 433 5373.

All things are ready. Jesus is LORD!


YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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