Young lady, don’t marry a confused brother and don’t marry a brother that can’t hear God. Don’t marry a brother that proposed to you because he saw your rolling buttocks when you walked in front of him and started pressing your breasts the first day he came to visit you. If he cannot control himself when he has not married you, he will not be able to control himself with another lady in his office when he marries you, it has never failed.
Everyone that is in adultery was doing some strange things when he was single. Marriage does not cure adultery. People just deceive themselves by thinking that marriage is the cure for fornication.
Such a person will only graduate to adultery after marriage because he/she has developed into sleeping with somebody that is not his/her spouse.
At one of our Anointed Daughters of Destiny Outreach (ADODO) meetings, there was a move of the Spirit where the Lord said there was somebody there who the pastor of her church was sleeping with. The lady came after the meeting, and I told her that the first thing she had to do was to leave that church. She said she and the pastor had repented and still felt so convinced to continue in that church. I said, “Leave now, you daughter of Jezebel! You love that iniquity, want to continue in it, and the two of you should be ready to go to hell.” She was not repentant. If she was repentant God would not have used a word of knowledge to call out her sin. Once God is using the word of knowledge to call out of your sin, you are not repentant.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank You for this truth. I make a covenant afresh with my eyes today that I shall not look with lust upon a maid in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 9:1-17; Revelation 17:1-18; Psalm 145:1-21; Proverbs 30:32
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