There are three ways you can solve a problem in whatever field you are dealing with. You can choose to solve it:
– Naturally
– Demonically and
– Divinely (the latter two are supernatural means).
The natural means is whatever you can do physically, but not sinful. For example, if you have a financial challenge and you decide to take a bank loan; that is not a sin but it is a way of coming out of a financial problem.
The demonic option can be by sin, occultism or crime. Sin means something sinful, though in some parts of the world, sin may not be a crime! In some countries, homosexuality is not a crime, it is legitimate, but in the Bible, it is a sin. You don’t get to a country where homosexuality is not a sin and you call it a sin; they can sue you. It will always be a sin before God but it may not be a crime before men. Before God, all crimes are sin. There are some things that men will say is a crime but God says is not a crime because you’re not violating His laws. If they make a law that preaching the gospel is a crime in a country, that would not be a crime before God.
Any solution from the devil would be a supernatural one that comes with terms and conditions. As earlier mentioned, all of Satan’s solutions will come in any of three ways: sin, crime or occultism. Sometimes, the three will be combined. For example, solving a financial problem by robbery is a crime. Occultism is the active engagement of a living satanic power and bringing it on the scene.
The third way that you can solve a problem is divine. Divine solutions also come supernaturally. The invitation and offer of Christianity is supernatural living; bringing the supernatural power of God to the most unnatural parameters.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I receive grace to depend solely on the divine for solution to any problem in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 30:11-31:18, Matthew 26:47-68, Psalm 32:1-11, Proverbs 8:27-32