
06 February 2024: JEHOVAH JIREH – THE GOD OF FINANCIAL AND MATERIAL MIRACLES (1) – 2 Kings 4:1-7, Luke 19:30, 1 Kings 17:1-6

Today, we will look at the financial and material miracles that Jehovah Jireh brings to His people. Be rest assured that Jehovah Jireh is committed to doing the same in your life if you require these miraculous interventions to fulfil your destiny and purpose on earth today.

1. The miracle of debt cancellation: God did this kind of miracle for the Israelites when they crossed the Red Sea, all their enemies and creditors were killed in the Red Sea, and there was nobody to reclaim their debt again. The Egyptians illegally withheld the salaries of the children of Israel for 430 years, and God collected it from them. He wiped them out in the Red Sea so that they will not go and claim an illegal hold upon the children of God anymore because slaves didn’t have rights in those days. He also did the miracle of debt cancellation for the widow of one of the sons of the prophets in 2 Kings 4. By multiplying her little oil, she had enough to sell and to clear the debt.

2. The release of money or materials tied down by the enemy: Some people have their resources and finances tied down by the enemy.

God can cause your money to be released for you.

The Lord untied that colt for Jesus to ride to Jerusalem to fulfil His assignment.

3. Miracles of supernatural supply: The ravens that fed Elijah was a manifestation of the miracle of supernatural supply, and He can still do the same today.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the miracle of supernatural debt cancellation and supernatural supply in Jesus name. Nothing that I need to succeed will be tied down anymore.

Exodus 23:14-25:40, Matthew 24:29-51, Psalm 30:1-12, Proverbs 7:24-27

(Please note that you can follow this month's devotional on YouVersions's The Bible App using the link: http://bible.us/r/)


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