
22 October 2023: YOUR REVELATION WILL DETERMINE THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF YOUR HEALTH – Psalm 105:37; Mark 7:24-30; Ephesians 1:3


Psalm 105:37
37 He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

Just like every covenant will always exclude some, the covenant of health excluded the non-Jews. This was demonstrated in the case of the Syrophenician woman when Jesus told her that healing, which is lower than health, is not for non-family members. This was because the Gentiles were not qualified to partake in the covenant of health.

However, the blood of Jesus has made us fellow partakers, and His broken body has broken every dividing wall between the Gentiles and the Jews (Eph. 2:14). This is physically demonstrated in the Communion. Despite this provision, ignorance of the covenant has kept a lot of people from this advantage, and this has led to a life of begging and dependence.

The quality and quantity of the provision (health) that you enjoy will depend largely on the active knowledge of the covenant that you possess.

Failure to translate the legal provisions of the covenant into vital reality makes it non-evident in the life of believers. God wants His children to enjoy their lives in health and soundness, and the Communion table is one of the channels through which this can be accessed. Every time you come to the table of the Lord, always come with the understanding that your health is part of the package.

PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, for the covenant of perfect soundness. I receive grace to walk in the reality of the provision of God for my health, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Jeremiah 39:1-41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 26:1-2

(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/AQT) 

Rev Oyenike Areogun invites every female: all grandmothers, mothers, wives, single ladies, and teenage girls to the upcoming 50TH EDITION OF THE ALL NATIONS WOMEN CONGRESS ON WORLD EVANGELIZATION, coming up on the 20th and 21st of October 2023 at the HQs of The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church, Oshogbo.
Time: Friday – 5pm to 9pm & Saturday – 7am to 3pm.
The theme for this year’s Congress is: “FIRST THE BLADE, THEN THE EAR, AFTER THAT THE FULL CORN IN THE EAR” Mark 4:28 (Exploring God’s secrets for progressive Growth for maximum productivity).
Ministering under the power of the Holy Ghost will be:
Rev Olusola Areogun: the General overseer of the Dream centre of the Life Oasis International Church and other anointed servants of God.
There will be various workshops for career women and businesswomen; for marriage and family matters; and for destiny and calling matters.

You can register for the 50th All Nations Women’s Congress on World Evangelisation at: https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc
For further enquiries:
You can call:
Or send a mail to allnationswomenscongress@gmail.com
Come! All things are ready!

Jesus is Lord!

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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