
28 March 2023: PASSION FOR THE LOST: FACTS ABOUT PASSION (1) – 2 Timothy 1:6

Someone told me sometimes in the past that he used to have a great passion for the things of God when he was on campus, but he lost the passion and asked if he could get it back. That question struck a chord in my spirit and the Holy Spirit gave me some steps to restore lost passion. However, there are facts that you must know about passion – passion for God, passion for life, passion for souls, and passion for everything. A man that is not passionate will not succeed in anything.

1. Passion is a gift from God: Paul told Timothy to keep alive, stir up, and fan to flame the gift of God that God gave him when he (Paul) laid hands on him. God gives us the passion to know the direction we should expend our energy. Some of us have passion for ministry and different things, but every Christian is supposed to have passion for the lost and go after souls. Not necessarily like an Evangelist or a Missionary, but on a one-on-one basis.

Passion for souls is a mandate every believer must embrace and run with (Mat. 28:18-20).

2. You keep that passion alive by feeding it like you feed a fire: A fire that is neglected will die out, and so will passion. If you are married, you will understand this. If you and your spouse don’t feed your passion for each other, you can get to a place where you are just living together like roommates. Therefore, feed the passion.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to feed my passion with the right substance in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22; Luke 8:4-21; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 12:2-3

(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: Thank you!) 

Dearly Beloved of God,

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You are specially invited to the 2023 edition of our ANNUAL RESURRECTION FAITH SEMINAR (RFS).

The details of this year’s edition of RFS are as follows:

Date: 6th – 9th April, 2023 (Thursday – Sunday).
Time: Thursday: 5-9pm; Friday-Saturday: 8am-2pm, 5-9pm; Sunday: 8am-12noon (GMT+1)
Venue: The Dream Centre Headquarters, Close to November 27 Interchange (Ona baba Ona Bridge) before the State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

Ministering: Rev. Olusola + Oyenike Areogun (Hosts), Rev Akinlolu Raphael, Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo and Rev Emiko Amotsuka


All sessions will be streamed online on our streaming platforms.

  • YouTube:
  • Church Website:
  • dciradio:
  • Mixlr:
  • Telegram:
  • Facebook:

Enquiries: For enquiries on accommodation, feeding, tapes and books from this conference and other logistics, please call +2307034153461; +2349079912254; +2348066509112, +2348037252124

Come, all things are yours!
Come, all things are ready!!!
Jesus is LORD!


YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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