From our text today, we see that it was in the place of study that Daniel became aware of the divine calendar that had started, and he began to pray to join his life to it.
Whether you know it or not, there is a divine calendar for your life different from the natural calendar. The divine calendar will generally position your life ahead of natural calendars.
When you don’t pray, it is easy for you to compare yourself with another person, get out of the calendar of God for your life, and jump on the calendar for another person.
When I was at Ilesa (SW Nigeria) doing radio ministry, there was a pastor in that town that saw that and said he also wanted to go on television and went. He did the programme for about one month after which he could not sustain it. Then he said, “I did not know that is what you people are facing!” He went on television because he wanted to be popular. He ran ahead of the divine schedule and put pressure on his congregation. His church did not grow and many of the members left. Why? He was running another man’s race.
If you find out that the normal calendar is ahead of the divine calendar for you, then the devil is involved somewhere, and you need ministration. When you find yourself competing and comparing yourself with people, you are missing the divine calendar. There is a divine calendar for your life; run it. It makes you distinct and helps you keep pace with God’s programme for your life.
PRAYER: Father, I receive a divine acceleration that will cause my natural calendar to link up with the divine calendar for my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 26:1-27:21; Matthew 25:1-30; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 8:1-11
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