God said to the Church in Thyatira (Rev. 2:20) that He has a few things against them because they were tolerating Jezebel. In the past, I had identified the Spirit of Jezebel for you (as opposed to the woman, Jezebel) as the traits in human beings that attract the spirit of Jezebel, especially people that find themselves in the role of second-level authority.
The Bible refers to two people as far as offence is concerned:
1. The person that is causing it; and
2. The person that is being offended.
Jezebel beheaded John the Baptist, which is a very terrible thing. Why did she succeed in doing that? The spirit of Jezebel did it through Herodias, the wife of Herod. That is the major reason I want to deal with it so that you, as a Christian waiting for the coming of Jesus, will check your heart and get rid of offences because offence will naturally come.
Many people have been confused about why John the Baptist died so cheaply although he was a prophet. In the Old Testament, a king wanted to lay his hands on a prophet and the Bible says that the hand withered (1 Kin. 13:4). That’s to show the amount of power and protection that surrounded the ministry of the prophet. However, Herodias moved her husband to put John the Baptist into the prison, beheaded him, and handed over his head on a platter to her as a trophy. It’s a calamity and a warning to us as God’s people to learn that what removed the covering of the anointing from John’s life and exposed him can expose any Christian today.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to protect my heart and guard it against the bait of the devil through the spirit of offences in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 9:14-10:31; Acts 17:1-34; Psalm 144:1-15; Proverbs 17:27-28
Dearly beloved, Greetings of love in Jesus Name. You are specially invited to PRAY, PLAN & PREPARE for the upcoming Anointed Feast Of God for mankind: ANNUAL GOD OF BREAKTHROUGHS CONVENTION & HOMECOMING (GOBC&H) 2022 with the Theme: THE END-TIME OVERCOMER Date: 3rd July - 10th July, 2022 (Sunday - Sunday). Time: 6am-8am, 8am-10am, 10am-12noon, 12noon-2pm and 4pm-9pm daily (all GMT +1). Venue: The Dream Centre Of the Life Oasis International Church HQ, Km 4 Gbongan-Osogbo Expressway, Osun State, Nigeria. Ministering: Rev. Olusola+Oyenike Areogun (Hosts) and other anointed men of God! Enquiries: +2349079912254, +2348033879828, +2348033506866, +2347038548230 Live streaming available at: www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.dciradio.org and all our social media platforms. Register at: https://lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/gobch2022 Come, all things are yours! Come, all things are ready! Jesus is Lord!!!