The Bible says you should be careful how you hear and what you hear (Luk. 8:18; Mar. 4:24) because what people say may inflict burden, fear, and doubt on your heart. The sons of the prophet came to Elisha to mock him, but Elisha did not let what they said burden him. He could have let it get to him and started thinking, “Oh God, Elijah is going! How will the raven bring food when he goes? What will happen to me?” This would have made him take some bad decisions.
Elisha did not allow any burden to land on his soul. Do not let the burden of the world swamp your spirit! That is why you must have a strong spirit that is stronger than what the world is bringing so that you don’t get swamped but rather bounce.
Allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is real as far as your life is concerned so that you will not be ruled by what you read in the newspapers.
If you read in the news that the government has scheduled to retrench eight hundred civil servants, your heart should not skip a beat, but you should rather be concerned with what God has said. If you have been in constant communion with the Holy Spirit, you will quickly confess, “When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up (Job 22:29).” When men say a particular road is becoming dangerous, you must know that you will go and always return!
PRAYER: I bounce off every burden that the voices around me and my environment is bringing upon my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 45:13-46:24; 1 Peter 1:13-2:10; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 28:11
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