Jairus was another great example of an intercessor. He faced challenges too in the place of intercession, but he didn’t give up until he got his miracle. He got the attention of Jesus to come to his house, even though there was an interruption on the road. This interruption was divine because another woman must receive her miracle too. Jairus came on behalf of his daughter. He came to call Jesus saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come and do something.” He stood in the gap and Jesus followed him.
As they moved on in the journey to his house, in the course of the interruption by the woman with the issue of blood, he got the news that the daughter was dead. He should have given up at that point or taken offence at Jesus, accusing Him of allowing his daughter to die because He was not fast enough to respond to his situation. At the news of the death of the child, Jesus told Jairus, “Keep quiet! Only believe! Do not change your belief! Hold on! I’m still here! Whether death or sickness, it doesn’t make any difference as far as I’m concerned. I am the resurrection and the life!” Jesus eventually got to the house of Jairus and raised his daughter.
What a persistence of faith!
Can you stand in the gap for somebody failing, dying, or in a problem? Can you stand for a person? Can you stand for a family? Can you stand for a nation? Can you stand for your land? God is looking for someone to make up the hedge and stand in the gap. Will He find you faithful?
PRAYER: I will not fail in the place of intercession in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 33:1-34:31; Hebrews 13:1-25; Psalm 115:1-18; Proverbs 27:21-22
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