The prayers of the saints make the power of God available. It releases the power of God into operations, angels are released, and the will of God is birthed on the earth. When we are lazy at intercession, we give the devil an undue advantage over our activities and operations here on the earth. It is the earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of the saints that makes tremendous power that is dynamic in its working available (Jam. 5:16, AMPC).
When Herod took James, there was no record of the Church raising intercession on his behalf and the devil had the upper hand – James was beheaded. When Herod saw that it pleased the Jews, he stretched forth his hand again and took Peter (Act. 12:2-3). That is exactly how the devil operates. If you give the devil any chance in your affairs, he is ready to completely take over except you rise to stop or resist him.
When Peter was arrested, the Church this time around rose to her responsibility of intercession and the power of God was released into operations, angels started working, and, in this case, the devil didn’t have his way.
It is because God has not found people to stand in the gap that evil takes over in a land.
There are lands where it will take intense activities in the place of intercession to break the forces of darkness over such lands and free the inhabitants from the stronghold of principalities and powers.
PRAYER: Help us, Lord, to take our place in intercession more seriously and give no room to the devil in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 35:1-36:38; James 1:1-18; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 27:23-27
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