
25 August 2022: DEALING WITH SYMPTOMS SCRIPTURALLY (3) – Romans 4:19; Hebrews 12: 1-3

Yesterday, we started looking at the practical steps not to consider contrary pieces of evidence. Today, we will continue from there.
2. Increase your confession of the Word of God – Watch the words that come from your mouth. Your words affect your spirit as a control knob affects the operation of an air conditioner. Your business is not what God is saying to another person but what God is saying to you. Find out what God is saying about your family, business, and your children. Watch the words of your mouth very carefully.

Put the promise of God in your mouth and say it over and over again until it becomes a settled power and force in your heart.

3. Engage in regular fasting – If you have never fasted before, this is the time to fast. Increase your fasting. It does not have to be total fast but fast. Fast unprofitable physical activities e.g. movie watching, unwholesome jesting, and wasting of your time. Put your attention on things that can increase your sensitivity to the Spirit.
4. Stay away from godless and anti-anointed atmospheres – Don’t allow a negative atmosphere to enter your house or life. There is no atmosphere that is not anointed; every atmosphere carries an anointing from God or the devil. A beer parlour is an anointed atmosphere because a spirit is flowing there! Words carry spirits that enter into atmospheres. The songs you listen to and the pictures you watch bring spirits into that atmosphere. Create an anointed atmosphere in your house by playing gospel music and tapes there.

PRAYER: I receive grace for the practical application of these steps in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Job 16:1-19:29; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 22:1

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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